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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tested and Passed

I was definitely tested yesterday and today.  I had to make a special trip to North Jersey and we all know (those who truly know) about the food in Jersey.  It was a quick trip and I knew I would not be there long.  I left yesterday afternoon and got back this afternoon.  I passed all the deli's, diners, and pizza places and I was still able to keep my eyes on the road and keep going.
The reason for the trip was to get a copy of our marriage certificate.  Long story as to why, but it was necessary.


  1. Congratulations on avoiding all that temptation!

  2. Way to go on your will power! And congrats on being married again...LOL

  3. Thanks! It was a very tempting two days and it was difficult passing up all that awesome food.
    Lesia...we have been married for 24 years so far and it's been awesome. We are not renewing vows (not yet anyway (and I have been told we will), but we are making some changes in our lives and needed the certificate. It's not a huge secret or illegal, but sometimes in life you need to make alot fo changes for good things to happen. I would be happy to share the story with you if your interested. Email me @ jdmoore64@gmail.com.

  4. Well...I would be interested in hearing any story that made you to to Jersey to get your marriage certificate! It would have to be interesting :) Congrats on being married 24 years. My husband and I are coming up on our wedding anniversary this June. 5 years of marraige and we have been together 12 years :)

    Great work passing up all the yummy food places.
