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Friday, May 7, 2010

I Am Certain I Will Be Fine

I have no choice but to!  It will be a challenging week for me.  Circumstances have dictated that I will not be able to order my food until next Friday.  So, I am going into a mini maintenance mode.  Instead of 5 &1 it will be more like a 3 & 3.  I think at this point I won't have much of a problem.  I have finally realized that it is either lose it now or lose sooner!  And I mean lose it all.  I worry about my future.  Not only over the next several years, but now.  Will I be able to lose this weight and get healthy soon enough?  Or is  my body about had it.  I really don't know how much more my body can take and it stresses me some. 
Being positive is most important and knowing that it won't be long before it is gone and I am going to to on the fast track to staying healthy.
So keep me in mind and send lots of encouragement over the next week.  I know I can do it and not be tempted to eat the crappy stuff.  But, we all have been there and we all know the longer it goes the more difficult it gets to get back on plan.


  1. How about I say a special prayer on your behalf.. Hang in there John. What diet program are you doing? And do you live here in the USA?

  2. I am on Medifast (TSFL). I live in Virginia.
